Monday, 7 May 2007

Kenya! (Norway?... More Like Snoreway)

Upcoming fairly quickly are two different things that are going to be promoting our mission trip to Kenya:

* First off is Youth Church (5pm) and Evening Church (7:15pm) this Sunday 13th May.

Both services are going 'African', some form of African food is going to be there (Morocan Chicken at Youth Church - thanks to Chris from Year 13 who is going to kindly help), and the supper at Evening Church is going to be African themed thank to the bible study doing it that night.

Also at both services I am going to be interviewed, a DVD is going to be shown, a chance to support the mission with prayer, and another night is going to be pushed... that night is...

* The Year 13 Kenya Mission Supporters Night

This is on Thursday 31st May from 7pm - 9pm at Menai Anglican Church. This is a special night for all the Year 13's, where we will be telling everyone what we are going to be up to in Kenya through various forms (music, dramas, interviews... puppets!). Also a chance to support the mission financially and in prayer.

Everyone is very welcome to come to either of these!


I've been very tired recently, it all started last week after bible study Monday night, I went to bed kind of late, took a while to get to sleep, then woke up after about 3 or 4 hours cuddling my blanket which was entirely under my sheet... this confused me enough so that I was not able to go to sleep again.

And I haven't really caught up on that lost sleep as of yet, college always exsausts me, add onto that kids club and yr 6 - 8 youth in the afternoon of college and I'm pretty much stuffed. Usually I can use Saturday to recharge, but last Saturdaythere was Children's Ministry Conference. It was really good - great combination of teaching, practical ideas, and hanging out with others from my church, but it left me even more tired, I slept for 12 hours that night.

I though I had finally caught up, but I've hit the wall again, and unfortunately this week is a biggie... I've got a few things to do to prepare for the Youth Chruch and Evening Church Africa things mentioned above, I'm doing the yr 6 - 8 youth talk this week, and still got a fair amount of college homework to do... I'm stressing a bit...