Tuesday, 17 April 2007


We came. We saw. We played stomp.

As expected Kyck (without the start!) was awesome. The talks were very good and were actually all quite challenging from the word go. The theme of this year was 'Follow' and was focused on chapters 9 - 19 of Luke.

A big thing that came through the talks was the cost of following Jesus - that of giving up everything to put him first in our lives, and the implications of doing that. We need to 'count the cost' before we make the decision. But the decision is very worthwhile! The most important one a person will ever make... ever. We need to live our lives focussed on the life to come - that which we will be living in heaven eternally with God and all of our brothers and sisters in Christ!

Something that got me quite excited was after one of the talks they had a reflection time where they got the youth to think about how they can follow Jesus at school. It was very cool to hear the ideas that many brought up.

Something else I've found exciting is that of seeing God at work in the lives of the youth at our church. This isn't something that just came up at Kyck (I may have mentioned this in the blog before too), but it was something that stuck out to me yet again. Its great to see the many ways they are using their variety to serve God and others.

I really loved the music this year - the past few years have been good but I defiantely found this year's to be the best. I thought it was led very well, and it was great to sing along with and enjoy the talent that God has given them. One of our own - Ben Ackland - was also in it!

And of course, the rest of the time was just as good. There is a fair amount of time over the weekend, particularly Saturday, where we are able to just hang out and enjoy each other's company. This always helps Youth Church grow even closer as a 'family', and it was no different this year. As Brooksie said when we gave me a lift home from church on Sunday, being in a community of belivers is a small slice of heaven. Coming together to grow to know God better as a community - its one of the closest things we can get to heaven! In Brooksie's words: there's simply nothing else like it.

So overall a very very worthwhile weekend. The only bad thing that came out of it is that I now have a sore throat...

I'm praying that God will work wonders through both the youth and leaders - through us growing both in our relationship with God and our friendships with each other.

(Click for bigger picture)