Had a crazy Easter at church:
Youth Church serive Thursday night - went well, was the first Youth Gospel Choir performance.
Good Friday service at 10am, followed by practice for choir for the Easter Sunday 8am service. - I think I actually had a bit of burnout at this point. First time I really noticed it... going to have to look out for that.
Saturday was filled with nothingness, so was a great opportunity to recharge and get rid of any traces of burnout.
Sunday was my first 4 service Sunday. I was in the 8am choir for Easter Sunday, then I helped out at the 10am all-age service by being on 'Activity Sheet and Crayon Hand Out' duty for the kids.
I then went home for a bit before going back for the Unofficial Youth Church hangout thing I was trying out. It ended up going great - had 8 people, which wasn't huge, but still a great number! I personally found it a really encouraging and relaxing time and others said they enjoyed it as well.
Then had Evening Church and supper afterwards. So a good day overall - but very tiring.
Monday I then had a family gathering over at Como (Hey Jason!). And that ended the Easter Craziness.
Since then I've been doing nothing - which has been awesome!
I've started playing through Kingdom Hearts again. Its a game featuring a bizzare crossover of Disney franchises with Japanese anime-like characters... which results in a very entertaining, nostalgic, and epic game.
For a look into its awesomeness - just imagine being able to fight as your character against Barbosa from "Pirates of the Caribbean" with Jack Sparrow, Donald Duck and Goofy by your side. Or how about going back to the old-school black and white Mickey Mouse world to fight alongside the old Pete, against the modern-day Pete!... Maybe you have to be a bit of nerd to find that cool, I'm definately a nerd, so in my books, it is quite the coolness.
Kyckstart is coming up this weekend! Really looking forward to it. Also looking forward to see how God works through it in his amazing ways.

Thursday, 12 April 2007
Easter Craziness
Posted by
12:27 am
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