Sunday, 11 March 2007

The 12 Hour Church Experience

I was at church from 9:30am till between 9 :30pm and 10pm today.

9:30am - Set up and meet for Kids Church

10:00am - Help with Kids Church

11:30am - Hang out with a few YC people who are also at church, includes going down to Maccas. (*)

1:30pm - Help get ready for gospel chior practice.

2:00pm - Gospel chior practice

4:00pm - Music practice for Youth Church (**)

5:00pm - Youth Church (***)

6:15pm - Dinner at YC, hang out

7:15pm - Evening Church

8:30pm - Hangout

9:45(ish)pm - Leave

(*) - It is quite remarkable how girls can instantly be amused for hours if they have a camera.

(**) - Panic started as we thought our sound system had stuffed up again. The awesome sound guys quickly set up a back up plan with lots of amps. The problem ended up being that the speaker leads weren't fully plugged in...

(***) - I led the service at Youth Church today, apparently it went well, despite the fact that I was feeling fairly exsausted and stuff.

So overall, good day, just heaps tiring.