Friday, 2 March 2007

The First 'Killer Friday'

Today I had my first 'Killer Friday'. A Killer Friday consists of:

* Waking up at College, breaky at 8, classes start at 8:30.

* College finishes at 2, go straight to church.

* Friday Hangout (yrs 3 - 6) starts at 4. Finishes at 6.

* Clay starts (yrs 6 - 8) starts at 6:30, finishes 8:30.

On top of that, today after Clay was the last part of Erin's bday party, which was good fun. It was all good fun actually, just really exsausting. As a result this blog probably won't be very comprehensive.


I'm really enjoying the studying aspect of college so far - kind of surprising given my track record! I actually am geniunely interested in pretty much all of it, and find it very easy to listen and take notes. I'm interested to see if I can keep this up - and to see how I perform in comparison to last year where I pretty much had no interest at all in anything except software.


Erin's party was heaps good fun (the part that I was at anyway - Clay overlapped some of it). I'm really excited to see the people of Youth Church so excited about hanging out together, and organising their own times to hang out as well! This is something that this year's Eclipse (youth camp) seemed to encourage. Youth Church has always enjoyed each other's company. But Eclipse this year seemed to being Youth Church together even more as a whole group, and its really exciting to see the results God is bringing out and continueing to use.

One of the worries I had of leaving YC and becoming a leader was that I wouldn't have that same connection with everyone there. I am very pleased to say that the connection hasn't gone, and I still feel like I am part of the group. I am really thankful to God for that! Its an awesome bunch of guys and girls, I am really excited to be able to continue hanging out with them this year, and also working with them as part of Year 13.